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Photoshop Lessons - Template Set Ups


Photoshop Tutorial -
Double Page Spread SetUp

Students will learn about margins, bleeds, rulers, changing units & rulers and overall page set up.

Photoshop Tutorial -

Students will learn how to create backgrounds (solid fills and gradients). As well as going back and making adjustments to them later. 

Photoshop Tutorial -
Adding Text & Image Place Holder 

Students will learn how to create and edit text (Lorem Ipsum text as the placeholder text for body text). Using the text tool and creating text boxes and making adjustments later. As well as aligning the text. 

Students will also learn how to create shape boxes (for image placeholders).

Photoshop Tutorial -
Blending Options

Students will learn how to add some blending options to their shapes. 

Students will also lean how to duplicate the layer style and copy it onto other layers. 

Photoshop Tutorial -
Adding Vector Images 

Students will learn how to find vectors online and add them to their Photoshop layouts. 

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