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Yearbook Promotion Poster Assignment 


> CLICK HERE to view the Rubric

Poster is to be created as a US paper size 8.5 x 11 - 300 dpi. Can be created in Photoshop or Illustrator. 

Topic 1 - Don't Forget to Buy a Yearbook!!!

You task is to create a promotion poster to buy a yearbook. Students must buy them by December 21, 2018 on CASHLESS.


Many students forget to buy a yearbook and unfortunately we do not buy extras. We need to inform them that they must be purchase their yearbooks. 


Save project as “firstname_lastname_promotion.psd” and save it to the classroom in the assignment folder.

Topic 2 - Clubs & Sports Photo Day

You task is to create a promotion poster for clubs & sports photos day - Monday November 12, 2018. 


We need to inform students of this day and for sports teams to wear their jerseys.


Save project as “firstname_lastname_promotion.psd” and save it to the classroom in the assignment folder.

Student Examples

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